Thursday, June 7, 2018

1.2a Record a Meeting In Salesforce (Classic)

Salesforce Events (Meeting)

An activity in Salesforce that has a particular place, time and duration, use event records. By using an event record you and your team can keep better track of your calendars.
You can create an event from your home page, it's calendar views or the Open activity related list of a record. The best method to choose often depends on what you're doing. If you're carving out meetings on a specific day, add an event from your home tab calendar's Day view. If you're working on a deal, you might create the event form the opportunity record. Current Use Case: to record "Brokerage Presentations". This should be completed from the Account/Company record.

Creating an event form the record that’s most directly associated with the event automatically prefills many of the lookup fields for you. So, when you save, you ensure that you can find the activity quickly because it’s linked to all the right records. 

To create an event from a relevant record (such as a contact or account record), follow  these steps:

  • Search for the record to which you want to link the event. 
For example, if you wnat to schedule a meeting about an account/company (i.e Brokerage Office Presentation), you search for the account name.
  • From the records detail page, scroll down to the open activities related list on the page and click the New Event button, 

  • Fill in the relevant fields
Pay close attention to the required fields highlighted with a veritcal red bar. 
  • Assign To: defaults to you, Use the lookup icon (magnifying glass) to assign the event to another user. 
  • Subject: The event's subject, which appears on the calendar, Click the combo box icon. A pop-up window appears, displaying a list of the company's event types. Click a selection and your selection appears in the subject field. Description field is good place to provide more information and since this event can sent a email invite this will be helpful for the invitee. 
  •  Time/Recurrence and Reminders are similar to Outlook in that time marks the duration of the event and recurrance allows the event to repeat on you the users calendar. 
  • Attachments can also be added to provide additional information for the meeting. 
  • Related To & Name Fields: The event records shows two drop-down lists that you can use to link the event with relevant records, as highlighted in the figure. One relates to certain types of records (oppty, pending, escrow etc.). The other relates to a person (i.e. contact or prospect record).
  • First select the type of record (oppty, pending, escrow). Then the desired record (In our case this would be the address as our naming convention is the address of the property i.e 125 Main St, Tampa, Fl.
  • Next Select select the individuals who be at the meeting/event. You can choose up to 50 contact records to relate the event with.

Invite Individuals to the Meeting:

In addition to only recording the event, a user can invite a contact, prospect or user within the company to the above-scheduled meeting/event. The invitee will receive an email request which they can then confirm and will be recorded in SF. 

 Email Invite Sample email summary sent to user: 

Invitee Meeting Acceptance Sample Email: 

How do I see my schedule:

The homepage is designed to be a quick reference to see tasks needing to completed as well as scheduled meeting. Task also allow to be filtered into a managable agenda with the dropdown in the upper right corner of the My task section. 

Or enlarging your calendar, your scheduled meeting will display tasks in another column.

 Congratulations! You now know how to create an event (schedule a meeting) in Salesforce. 

PLEASE NOTE: To schedule a brokerage presentation the above would be the process to record your activity for KPI's as these types of presentations typically do not have an active oppty to record. For the six(6) offer presentations completed on an active oppty - add a new presentation to the oppty record (i.e. FTF, FTFS, Broker, Seller, CPA, and Atty) For these opportunity presentations the user is welcome to record a meeting for calendar purposes however the activity will still need to be recorded on the oppty for KPI dashboard counts. 

1 comment:

  1. Please confirm you have view these directions and was able to add an event in the system.


1.2b Record a Call In Salesforce (Mobile)

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