Wednesday, June 20, 2018

1.2b Record a Call In Salesforce (Mobile)

Log a call on the Salesforce Mobile App

Calls are launched from the contact or prospect records; however, the process can always begin from another related object.

From the Opportunity:

  • From the Opportunity detail card, Click on the Broker's Name (Tip: Linked Records always show as a link). 
  • The Broker's contact card will open. At the button of all contact cards are object specific action icons. In this case select call (you will need to have the contact information inputted correctly)
  • A screen will display with the phone number within the system to call, or log a calling where you have already spoke to the individual but want to notate the call.  
  • Once the call end the user will be directed to the task record to notate details regarding the call. Please note, this only connects to the contact record. The user will need to select the the correct opportunity (in the case) 
  • The user will need to select the object type (opportunity in this case) and since you started from the opportunity this opportunity record should display has a recent record. 
  • Complete the same process when calling from other objects. In the case of calling a Prospect or Contact directly, the related to field would not apply.  

Step by Step Video Demo to add a call from the Opportunity Record

Other Mobile Concepts: 

2.1b - Record a Presentation in Salesforce Mobile

Entering a presentation via the Salesforce Mobile Application 

An agent may find it quick and easy to record their Offer presentation while on the road with the Salesforce Mobile App.

Install App

To complete ensure you have installed the Salesforce App on your phone. The app can be downloaded for the Play Store (Android) or App Store (iPhone). Once installed a user will need to log in with their username and password. The system will send a text/email verification code to complete authentications. 

Now you all set to utilize Salesforce Mobile to complete many of the daily tasks while on the road (During the implementation of Salesforce Lightning, the standard layout of Salesforce will change to be in line with Lighting as such please be aware the Mobile views may change a bit in this process)

By default when a user logins into the mobile application, the feed is displayed (we will discuss the feed later, for now, it more an introduction of what you will see when you first log in).

  • Navigate to the Top Left corner of the screen, where there are 3 vertical lines (menu icon).
  • A menu expands with a list of object to select from. These correlate to tabs on the desktop version. Select "Opportunities"
  • You will see a search bar at the top, a list of Views(Filter List) selections, and then a list of recent records.
  • If you have recently viewed the opportunity, then you can quickly open the record to record your offer presentation, if not search for the address in the search bar. As you begin typing the name of the record (i.e. the address), the system will begin to provide selections to choose from. 

  • Select the desired record to open. This will display the details regarding the opportunity and a series of icons at the bottom (Object Quick Actions). You should notice the second action is "New Presentation", select this option
  • The New presentation page will display a few fields to complete. Type, Agent and Presentation Date. Type is the only field with no defaults and is required, the drop menu is a list of presentation which correlates with the agent KPI's (Additional Details). The date will display TODAY and the Agent will default to the Agent indicated on the Opportunity record. Note: be sure to update the date if the presentation occurred on a date other than the date the presentation is being entered. 
  • Select the Save button at the top right and your presentation has been recorded. 

Video Demo of the steps indicated above

Other Mobile Concepts: 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Skype for Business - Cheat Sheet

Join A Meeting

To Join the meeting, open your Skpye for Business App (this application is included with your email subscription as such is the same password as your email and office Suites).
 The application is segmented into the following tabs, the last icon on the taskbar will display any scheduled meetings, Click the join button beside the meeting schedule. 

After selecting "Join" the following dialog box will open. Use the first option to join the meeting. 

As the Once the meeting starts an additional set of icons will be available, allowing for video, audio (mute/unmute). To yourself to be seen, select the video icon and click the "start my video" button.

Option within Skype for Business App

Group office meeting will allow audio via the conference room speakers, so ensure you are muted. 

Additional Option to access the meeting

The Outlook calendar invite will contain a link to join the meeting, after selecting the link, follow step 2 above.

As the meeting nears a popup reminder will display which will also allow the user to join. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

2.1a - Record Presentations (Classic)

Record A Presentation on the Opportunity

Prior to the below new development agents recorded their presentations by checking the respective presentation checkbox on the opportunity record. 

A new process of recording presentation which allow for better report functionality, scalability and also allow presentation completed by a user shared on the account (Record Level Sharing) or RVP's to add presentation which they attended to the opportunity. 

The tracking of presentations has moved to their own related object on the opportunity. 

To record a presentation 

1. Navigate to the related list section of the opportunity record.
2. Within the Presentations section select "New Presentation" button to create a new presentations
3. A presentation record will be displayed
4. Select presentation type from the "Type" field pick list (Options Below)
  • FTF     - Face to Face Broker 
  • FTFS   - Face to Face Seller
  • Broker - Broker via Phone Call/Conference Call
  • Seller   - Seller via Phone Call/Conference Call
  • Attny   - Presented to Seller's Attorney
  • CPA     - Presented to Seller's CPA
  • Key Account  - Key Account
***An agent should not create two presentation (i.e both FTF and Broker presentation) for an inperson presentation only select FTF and the presentation will be weighted***  
5. The date will default to today, however the agent can update the date to a prior date (this functionality was not previously available)
6. Agent Field - The agent field will default to the agent indicated on the opportunity. If the presentation is being added for he RVP, for example, the user would need to add their name within the agent field to receive adequire credit for completing the presentation. 
7. Once saved the record will display the completed presentation, to navigate back to your opportunity click the Opportunity URL link within the record.  

The above direction appears to be a lot; however, in actuality, the user will complete it's a matter of 3 mouse clicks. 

Please note the current means of adding a presentation will be discontinued by the end of the month so, please ensure you start recording your presentation as indicated above. 

Demo Video

1.3 - Record Level Sharing (Classic)

Manual sharing or Record Level Sharing

If an object is in the private sharing model, there is a sharing button on every record that allows the record owner or manager to share the record with another user. This technique is used to share one record at a time.
Three types of users can do manual sharing:
  • System admin.
  • Record owner.
  • Record owner manager.
So, the single record can be shared to a single user as needed with either Read Only or Read/Write to allow editting of the record.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

1.2a Record a Meeting In Salesforce (Classic)

Salesforce Events (Meeting)

An activity in Salesforce that has a particular place, time and duration, use event records. By using an event record you and your team can keep better track of your calendars.
You can create an event from your home page, it's calendar views or the Open activity related list of a record. The best method to choose often depends on what you're doing. If you're carving out meetings on a specific day, add an event from your home tab calendar's Day view. If you're working on a deal, you might create the event form the opportunity record. Current Use Case: to record "Brokerage Presentations". This should be completed from the Account/Company record.

Creating an event form the record that’s most directly associated with the event automatically prefills many of the lookup fields for you. So, when you save, you ensure that you can find the activity quickly because it’s linked to all the right records. 

To create an event from a relevant record (such as a contact or account record), follow  these steps:

  • Search for the record to which you want to link the event. 
For example, if you wnat to schedule a meeting about an account/company (i.e Brokerage Office Presentation), you search for the account name.
  • From the records detail page, scroll down to the open activities related list on the page and click the New Event button, 

  • Fill in the relevant fields
Pay close attention to the required fields highlighted with a veritcal red bar. 
  • Assign To: defaults to you, Use the lookup icon (magnifying glass) to assign the event to another user. 
  • Subject: The event's subject, which appears on the calendar, Click the combo box icon. A pop-up window appears, displaying a list of the company's event types. Click a selection and your selection appears in the subject field. Description field is good place to provide more information and since this event can sent a email invite this will be helpful for the invitee. 
  •  Time/Recurrence and Reminders are similar to Outlook in that time marks the duration of the event and recurrance allows the event to repeat on you the users calendar. 
  • Attachments can also be added to provide additional information for the meeting. 
  • Related To & Name Fields: The event records shows two drop-down lists that you can use to link the event with relevant records, as highlighted in the figure. One relates to certain types of records (oppty, pending, escrow etc.). The other relates to a person (i.e. contact or prospect record).
  • First select the type of record (oppty, pending, escrow). Then the desired record (In our case this would be the address as our naming convention is the address of the property i.e 125 Main St, Tampa, Fl.
  • Next Select select the individuals who be at the meeting/event. You can choose up to 50 contact records to relate the event with.

Invite Individuals to the Meeting:

In addition to only recording the event, a user can invite a contact, prospect or user within the company to the above-scheduled meeting/event. The invitee will receive an email request which they can then confirm and will be recorded in SF. 

 Email Invite Sample email summary sent to user: 

Invitee Meeting Acceptance Sample Email: 

How do I see my schedule:

The homepage is designed to be a quick reference to see tasks needing to completed as well as scheduled meeting. Task also allow to be filtered into a managable agenda with the dropdown in the upper right corner of the My task section. 

Or enlarging your calendar, your scheduled meeting will display tasks in another column.

 Congratulations! You now know how to create an event (schedule a meeting) in Salesforce. 

PLEASE NOTE: To schedule a brokerage presentation the above would be the process to record your activity for KPI's as these types of presentations typically do not have an active oppty to record. For the six(6) offer presentations completed on an active oppty - add a new presentation to the oppty record (i.e. FTF, FTFS, Broker, Seller, CPA, and Atty) For these opportunity presentations the user is welcome to record a meeting for calendar purposes however the activity will still need to be recorded on the oppty for KPI dashboard counts. 

Friday, June 1, 2018

2.2 - Agent KPI Dashboard (Lightning)

Agent KPI Dashboards

In order to manage your team's presentation activity, RVP's have access to the Lightning Agent KPI dashboard in Salesforce.

Since the dashboard is built within the new Lightning UI it offers a cleaner visually appealing mean to review and analysis data. This dashboard allows the user to filter on 3 categories time, source and your region.

Quick tip on initial loading, the data typically take a moment to load. In the right-hand corner, the dashboard will display "refreshing ... " when the system is filtering the system to queuing up all records which meet the selected filters enacted.

To access the dashboard you will first need to Switch to Lightning Experience (Located in the top right-hand corner). 

Video - How to navigate to lightning from Salesforce Classic

Dashboard Filters

Time is segmented into several categories offering both current and past segments. Measurements are broke down as follows

  • Week runs Sunday to Saturday
  • Month runs first day of month to last day of month vs running 30 days
  • Year the same Jan 1 through Dec 31st vs running 356 days
 Source is a secondary filter to provide totals based on the properties source. There currently isn't specific components specific to the source; however, it will give the user a quick idea of the total presentation for each source during a given time or region
Region allows the user to drill down to show only their region during the given time selected. 

Dashboard Components 

A dashboard is made up of components which provides a visual representation of a report. The user can interact with each component depending on the component type (Total Count, Graph, Gauge, etc). 

  • View Report: Since each component is displaying data from a report, the user can click the link located at the bottom of each component which displays the report the component is built from.
  • Enlarge Component: there is an expand icon located in the top right of each to enlarge the chart/graph. Once a component is enlarged, there is a download option to download the report from which the component is built. Reports are download as an excel file.
  • Hover Overs: the component are interactive and provide deeper insight by scrolling the cursor over the components. 
  • Drill-downs: the bar on a graph/chart create drill-down on the related report, as such when a user selects a bar of the car salesforce will open to a drilled-down report. 

Now how do I get back ...

We are not ready to remaining working in lightning so you will need to know how to get back to Salesforce classic.

In the right-hand corner of the screen, there will be a Salesforce Avator* until you add your own image; click the avatar to open a drop-down one of the selections is Switch to Salesforce Classis ... easy peesie right! 

*In case you were wondering the Avator's name is Astro 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

1.1 Add A Property in Salesforce (Classic)

Add Property in Salesforce

The much-awaited development is complete!! Well, the initial development is complete enough for users to beginning adding properties to the system directly. Much testing has been completed to cover scenarios of different types of property addresses; however, all situations may not have been considered. If at some point a property address 

Key Benefits of the new development:

  • Ensure proper naming conventions are followed.
  • Reduce the likelihood of entering duplicate properties in the system.
  • Speed access to the record for users.
  • Visual Errors notification for users.
Key Items for Users:
  • Spelling cannot be automated - the system cannot prevent. Items miss spelled increase the likelihood of duplication. (Not my strength - But Users can COPY/PASTE without overwriting formatting).
  • Direction capitalization - If a user is entered double letter navigation, the second letter cannot be capitalized. Additional development is being considered to overcome the shortfall. Directional indications should be entered in the street address field. 
  • Street Number - Will only allow numbers 
  • Contact record for the Broker/Seller should be in the system prior to adding the property or this field cannot be completed.
  • Record Type is similar to Property however not exactly the same. For land the record type is always land and Property type is zoned type or highest and best use. Ensuring land is the record type and the property type is Highest & Best use assists Offer Analysts to provide the best market value when completing Offers.
  • Record Ownership - The individual whom enters the record is the record owner. This is standard SF functionality. 
  • Duplicates - If the property is in the system this will be checked and return displaying the property is currently in the system and who the property is assigned to. What to do with duplicates
  • Assigned Agent is part of the users region - Request your RVP to assign. Depending on the activity of  the proeprty a property may or may not be available to be reassigned.
  • Assigned Agent is NOT a member of your region - Request assignment change from Again, depending o nthe activity of the property a property may or may not be available to be reassigned. 
  • Property Record - once the property meets developed standard, the standard lead/property page will be rendered to complete the qualification process and additional information.

Video Demo

Below is a short video displaying the process of adding a new property to the system.

Screen Shot Steps

The user will navigate to the Lead/Property tab
This is the default object page, the "New" button will display in the center of the Recent Lead/Properties section of the screen. NOTE: if you select the "Go" button to display filtered records the "New" button is no longer available

The user will be directed to a custom page for entering Lead/Properties records. This screen is broken down to each part of the property address. Why so many fields?
  • The inputted data will be formatted to meet our naming conventions
  • System checks for punctuation and misuse of capitalization
  • Searches the system for the combination of street address and city to determine when the property is currently in the system (Beta*)

When a record is located in the system the following warning will be displayed with a display of the property address in the system, the agent assigned and the stage the record is currently in.

  • If the search does not determine the entered property address is in the system, the user will be directed to another input screen to enter the additional data on the property. 
  • A final screen will display with all information entered for review for the user. If typos are determined from the review screen the user can utilize the back button to return to the input screen the make corrects. 
  • All Good! Select Save and the record is saved to the system and the user is will be redirected to the standard record view of a Lead/Property. 

 Beta- this functionality is non native functionality. It is still be tested and modified as new situations have been determined to cause issues. There is backup functionality to the search checking the user may encounter after completing all the user input information and selecting the final save button. At which time there still may be a system error (as indicate the below). This a secondary measure to reduce duplication of a property address. Once the custom code has been worked through and determined the secondary measure can be eliminated.  

1.2b Record a Call In Salesforce (Mobile)

Log a call on the Salesforce Mobile App Calls are launched from the contact or prospect records; however, the process can always begin f...